Grace Notes never charges any fee or tuition for Bible study materials. There is certainly a cost involved, but we don’t want anyone to hesitate to request materials because of inability to pay. The work is supported by Christians who pray for this effort and share in the expenses. You can make a contribution using PayPal by clicking on the Donate to Grace Notes button in the left frame.
A course is sent to you one lesson at a time, and there is a Quiz with each lesson. When you finish studying Lesson 1, for example, you will complete the Quiz and send it back to Grace Notes. Then, we will send you Lesson 2. This will continue until you have submitted the Quiz for the final lesson in the course. When you complete the course, your “transcript” will be updated in the Grace Notes database, and we will mail you a certificate showing that you have completed the course.
This course is part of a larger Unit of work, and the Units are part of an overall Bible Study Curriculum which leads to a Diploma of Biblical Studies.
A Unit consists of several courses. The amount of material in a Unit is roughly equivalent what you would find in one semester’s study at a Bible school.
As an example, the Grace Notes courses for Unit I are: Ruth, Titus, Foundations I, History I, and Doctrine I.
A Certificate of Completion is awarded for each course you complete. Grace Notes will send you the certificate when you submit the Quiz for the final lesson in the course.
An Award for Achievement will be awarded for the completion of a Unit.
And, a Diploma in Biblical Studies will be awarded to a person who completes Units I, II, III, and IV, equivalent to the amount of material in two years of Bible school study.
Visit the Grace Notes web site to see all of the available courses.
You can request any course from any unit; and you can study as many courses at one time that you want. We require that for the numbered courses (e.g. Doctrine I, II, III, IV) you study the courses in order; but the non-numbered courses do not have to be taken in sequence.
Grace Notes
address: % Warren Doud, 1705 Aggie Lane, Austin, Texas 78757
Telephone: 512-458-8923
Email address: <[email protected]>