Grace Notes - Online Training in Bible Teaching

Test of Basic Bible Knowledge

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The following questions deal with many of the Bible topics which are considered basic to the Christian Way of Life. Doctrines are not called "basic" because they are simple to learn, trivial, or "baby food", even though they are appropriate topics for new Christians to learn.

Basic doctrines are, rather, those which are fundamental to the Christian Way of Life and spiritual growth and which are prerequisites to the study of advanced concepts of the Bible.

Note: there is no answer key for this "test". It is provided as a method for self-assessment of your knowledge of Bible truth. You can find study materials for these concepts in the Grace Notes Topics Library

Scoring: Give yourself one point for each question you are certain you could explain completely and correctly to another person.


1. What is the Trinity? What part in God's relationship to mankind does each member of the Trinity take?
2. Show from the Bible that the Holy Spirit is deity.
3. What are God's characteristics (Divine Essence) or attributes?


4. In what way is the Bible the inspired Word of God?
5. Is all of the Bible inspired and free from error in the original writings?
6. What other divine writings has God given to man?
7. What authority, other than the Bible, do you have for doctrine and the Christian walk?


8. Is man a product of age-long evolution or a direct creation by God?
9. In God's sight, how sinful is man?
10. State the differences between imputed sin, inherent sin, and personal sin.
11. What efforts can a lost person exert to satisfy or please God?
12. Is everyone born with a sinful nature? Explain.
13. Describe the sin nature and its position in the life of the believer.
14. Who and what is Satan (the devil)?


15 Since Adam, how many ways of salvation has God provided?
16. Explain how a sinner gains salvation.
17. What must a believer do to maintain his salvation? Explain.
18. What does it mean to "believe in Christ"?
19. What other conditions besides believing are necessary for salvation?
20. Name at least six results occurring on the believer's behalf at the moment of salvation.
21. Can a saved person be lost? Prove with Scripture.
22. Tell what Grace is and how it relates to God and mankind.
23. Define the following doctrines: (1) Redemption; (2) Propitiation; (3) Reconciliation; (4) Justification.
24. Where are unbelievers who have already died?
25. Can an unbeliever be saved after his death?
26. Where are the believers who have died?


27. Who is Jesus Christ?
28. Explain how Jesus Christ is both totally human and undiminished deity.
29. Was it absolutely necessary that Jesus Christ be born of a virgin? Explain.
30. Why did Christ die on the Cross?
31. Was His death on the Cross absolutely necessary? Explain.
32. Explain what is meant by the Blood of Christ.
33. Did Jesus Christ actually rise from the dead?
34. What is He doing now?
35. Is Jesus Christ coming back to earth again? When?


36. Is the Holy Spirit a real person? Demonstrate from Scripture.
37. What ministry does the Holy Spirit have to the following: (1) Unbelievers; (2) Believers at the moment of salvation; (3) Believers after salvation.
38. What is involved in living the Christian Way of Life?
39. What is a carnal Christian?
40. What is a spiritual Christian?
41. Explain spirituality as related to good works.
42. Is there a differences between spirituality and Christian maturity?
43. How can a believer be filled with the Holy Spirit?
44. Is there a "second blessing" of the spirit? If so, what is it?
45. Explain your beliefs about faith healing. Is it a bona fide spiritual gift today?
46. Explain your beliefs about speaking in tongues. Is it a bona fide spiritual gift today?
47. Do you have any spiritual gifts?


48. Define the phrase "body of Christ".
49. What is a dispensation?
50. What are water baptism and the Lord's Table? How are they used in the church today?
51. What are the functions of the local church?
52. What is the indigenous church principle? How is this principle put into practice?
53. What place do denominations have in Christianity today?
54. What place do the National and World Councils of Churches have in Christianity today?
55. What is the correct form of local church government?
56. What conditions are required for church membership?
57. What part does church membership play in salvation?
58. What is meant by the terms "amillennial", "premillennial", and "postmillennial"?
59. Which, if any, is the correct position (of #58)?
60. What is the rapture of the church?
61. Where do you expect to be during the Great Tribulation? Explain.
62. Describe the Second Coming of Christ to the earth.
63. Will Christ's reign be personal and literal?
64. What is your concept of (1) heaven and (2) the Lake of Fire?


65. Why is a believer left here on earth?
66. When a Christian sins, how does he regain fellowship with the Lord?
67. What doctrines would you first teach a new Christian? Why?
68. How would you teach a new believer to study the Word personally?
69. How would you teach a new believer to pray effectively?
70. What is your view concerning spiritual gifts? Which ones are available today? How are spiritual gifts obtained?
71. For what will a believer be rewarded at the judgement seat of Christ?
72. Will the sin nature be eradicated during a believer's lifetime? Explain.
73. What is the difference between human viewpoint and divine viewpoint?
74. What is the difference between human good and divine good?
75. What are the differences between legalism and grace?


Give yourself one point for each of the following you are confident you could explain to another believer using Bible doctrine.

76. Ephesians 1:3 says we have "all blessings in heavenly places in Christ". What are these blessings? Where are they located? How do get them?
77. What does it mean to be "in Christ" (positional truth)? How are Christians placed in Christ?
78. What is the inheritance that we have in Christ? How and when do we receive this inheritance?
79. How does a Christian grow in Christ?
80. How is unity among believers achieved (Ephesians 4)?
81. How does a Christian gain victory over sin?
82. How can a Christian know that a potential marriage partner is God's choice?
83. Christians are commanded to love their enemies. How does God expect us to do that? 84. What information does an unbeliever need to know and understand in order to make a decision to accept Christ as Savior?
85. What part does the Holy Spirit have in a believer's edification?
86. How can a Christian have Joy, the divine happiness that doesn't depend on people, circumstances, or things?
87. How can a believer be free from sinful worry?
88. What are the Bible's answers to the problems of depression?
89. What are the sins of the tongue? How does one gain victory over them?
90. What does it mean to be a Master of the Details of Life? How is this achieved?
91. Christians are saved by grace alone. Explain why believers are still not exempt from the moral law.
92. Why would a Christian sometimes refrain from doing something that is not a sin and that he has liberty to do?
93. What hinders sinful man from approaching the holy God? How is this barrier overcome?
94. Explain the concept that the blood of Christ is a representative analogy.
95. What was the main cause of the friction between Jewish and Gentile Christians in the early church?
96. What are the three stages of eternal life?
97. We are to "forgive one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you". How is it possible to do that?
98. What do we mean when we say that we believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible?
99. How does the Law of Moses relate to church age doctrine and Christian living?
100. Describe "negative volition" and the problems it causes.


Your score indicates the following ( the numbers are quite arbitrary, of course):

75 to 100 - More than a "passing" grade. Indicates you have a good basic foundation and are ready to study advanced topics. Your personal witnessing and other exercise of spiritual gifts is well supported by your understanding of God's Person and Plan. This score would be the minimum expected of anyone going into Christian work as a vocation, such as evangelism, encouragement, or mission support work. This score would also be considered a prerequisite for those entering seminary to prepare for the pastorate.

50 to 74 - Indicates good progress in basics and that you have been serious in your desire to learn God's Word to this point. Consider increasing the time spent in attending class and studying. Ask your pastor to suggest doctrinal materials or tape studies to supplement classes.

25 to 34 - Indicates some progress in basics. If you're over 18, you're going to have to put yourself into crash program mode to learn the fundamentals - two or more hours per day of directed, organized study, using any doctrinal classes, tapes, materials that you can find. Progress towards Christian maturity requires consistency, hard work, and dedication.

0 to 24 - "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." While you did not need much knowledge of God or the Bible to be saved, you will need a lot of information from the Word of God about how to think and function as a productive Christian.